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2005-09-22 DBMC Meeting Minutes
Duxbury Bay Management Commission Minutes for 9/22/05

In Attendance:  John Carnuccio (Chair), Shawn Dahlen, Skip Bennett, Ned Lawson,
Julie Waltz, Don Beers (ex Officio) and Don Gunster.  Not attending were Jack Kent, Jon Nash and Kathy Ahern Gould.  A quorum was reached.

Guests:  Paul McCarthy, Henry McCarthy, John Brawley.

The Aquaculture Subcommittee will meet on the second and fourth Thursday with the Shellfish Advisory at 6:00 p.m.  Skip Bennett stepped down from the Subcommittee and Ned Lawson will replace him.  Shawn Dahlen (Chair) and Julie Waltz will continue to serve.

General Updates

It’s too early for the Commission to be involved in the mooring wait list discussion.

Jon Nash is waiting on a few items before putting Commission information on the Town Web Site.  Don Gunster will also be involved.

The Herring Run Technical Study Committee needs additional information, and it is working on strategies.

Aquaculture Subcommittee Update

Shawn Dahlen outlined the work done by the subcommittee which included major tasks, subcommittee group tasks and resources.

Major tasks include a database of information on Aquaculture in Duxbury Bay, input from the wild fisheries fishermen, defining prohibited or discouraged areas of the Bay and reframing of the application process.

Aquaculture Grant Application Discussion

Because he is a grant applicant, Skip Bennett recused himself from the discussion of the other applicant’s applications.

Don Beers summed up the role of the Harbormaster, Shellfish Advisory and Board of Selectmen.  He said that notices had to be placed in the newspaper and that town, state and federal rules and regulations are part of the process.

The Commission then opened discussion on the four applicants appearing before it.

Grant applicant Henry McCarthy answered the Commission’s questions concerning his location.  A motion was made and seconded that the grant be approved by the Board of Selectmen.  The vote was unanimous.

When asked what his relationship is with Henry McCarthy, grant applicant Paul McCarthy responded that they are brothers but have separate grants.  He answered other Commission questions.  A motion was made and seconded that the grant be approved by the Board of Selectmen.  The vote was unanimous.

Grant applicant Skip Bennett answered the Commission’s questions concerning his proposed location.  A motion was made and seconded that the grant be approved by the Board of Selectmen.  Four of the members voted to approve and one member voted to oppose.

Grant applicant John Brawley answered the Commission’s questions concerning his site.  A motion was made and seconded to recommend approval by the Board of Selectmen.  Four of the members voted to approve and one member voted to oppose.

Other Business

A 9/20/05 memo from the State concerning no discharge was received.  At the last meeting, Paul Malo volunteered to fill out the database data and put it in a matrix to send to the state.

Motion was made to adjourn at approximately 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Julie Waltz